
  • 더블 하노이 알고리즘
    Algorithm 2021. 6. 21. 11:22

    아래 문제는 코딜리티에서 제공하는 더블 하노이의 문제입니다🧑🏻‍💻

    문제 제시

    You are given N disks and two rods, each with one initial disk.

    On the left rod, disks can be placed in decreasing order of size (smaller disks on top of bigger ones). On the right rod, disks can be placed in increasing order of size (bigger disks on top of smaller ones). Note that it is not permissible to place two disks of equal size on top of each other. The initial disks cannot be moved.

    Write a function:

    public func solution(_ A : inout [Int], _ L : Int, _ R : Int) -> Int

    that, given an array A of integers representing the sizes of the N disks and two integers L and R representing the size of the initial disks on the left and right rods respectively, returns the maximum number of disks from A that can be placed on the rods while satisfying the rules presented above.


    1. Given A = [2, 3, 3, 4], L = 3 and R = 1, your function should return 3, since only three disks can be placed on the rods. Note that the disk of size 2 can be placed on either the left rod or the right rod.

    2. Given A = [1, 4, 5, 5], L = 6 and R = 4, your function should return 4.

    3. Given A = [5, 2, 5, 2], L = 8 and R = 1, your function should return 4.

    4. Given A = [1, 5, 5], L = 2 and R = 4, your function should return 2.

    문제 해결

    import Foundation
    import Glibc
    public func solution(_ A : inout [Int], _ L : Int, _ R : Int) -> Int {
        var LStack: [Int] = [L]
        var RStack: [Int] = [R]
        for i in 0..<A.count{
            if A[i] < L && !(LStack.contains(A[i])) {
            } else if A[i] > R && !(RStack.contains(A[i])) {
        let Lcount = LStack.count - 1
        let Rcount = RStack.count - 1
        let answer = Lcount + Rcount
        return answer

    사용된 개념

     - 하노이

     - 반복 / 조건문

     - 스택

    문제 뒷담화

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